Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wild Thaaang!

What do ya know, another week has come and gone at the blink of an eye. The past few weeks have been very low key and uneventful. As for this week, the busy hectic days have found us yet again. School started on Wednesday which marked my LAST first day of school.

School and I do not get along very well. We never have and I am going to bet we never will. Something about SCHOOL, even just hearing the word school, makes me a huge stressball. I've always had to work really hard to do well at school, but who hasn't? Oh wait, I can answer that.. ERIC! I wish I could just put a wig on him and let him to take my classes for me. I am very impatient so the whole reading, studying, and trying to memorize stuff just doesn't come easy to me. Blah blah blah, I know! Any how, this first week of school was only a 3 day week since we started on a Wednesday. This being my last semester it is suppose to be an easy one. Only 12 hours, what a breeze compared to 19 last semster. Well thats what I went in thinking Wednesday. Unfortunately, of the 12 hours I needed to graduate I was only registered in 6! Two of the courses I needed had closed within 30 minutes of registration. I had to go find these two professors and ask for permission to get in their courses. Psh, how hard could that be? Well, you would think EASY but I made the mistake of taking Kayden with me. We were sent from office to office and from one side of campus to the complete opposite side of campus. Kayden hadn't napped at all and was hungry and just frustrated. I was frustrated, tired, and stressed which just made it that much better. :] We were a lovely pair that day. Well, as we're in a quiet office waiting to see the Dean of Education, Kayden begins to lose it. When I say lose it I mean, throwing herself on the floor screaming at the top of her lungs while kicking her feet. It didn't take long for people to start poking their heads in the doorway to see if I was abusing her. As I was trying to pick her up and stay as calm and collected as I possibly could a lady walks in and looks me dead in the eye and asks, "Do I need to get you a conference room?". Oh man, BAD timing lady!!! I said, "No, no, no we do not need a conference room. We are leaving!" It wasn't her fault but c'mon lady! So, we left. Got absolutely nothing accomplished and I didn't care. I was so upset with Kayden and I just didn't understand where I had gone wrong. It was like she had never been disciplined in her entire life. Great parenting, Jenna! After getting to the car and sitting there almost in tears, I called Eric. Eric is always good at bringing me back to reality and making me see the whole picture. It had nothing to do with discipline or how we parent, she was tired, hungry, and the last thing she wanted to do was sit in an office and have to be still! DUH! Thank the Lord for a "whole picture" kind of husband. ;)

That was our excitement of the week. Not too much else went on, we ate sushi, Kayden had her first krispy kreme donut, my back is officially broken, and Kayden almost tried to glue her throat shut with rubber cement. :) All is well with the Robinson's!

Over 'n out til next week! 8)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hakuna Mutata

Well, now that i'm "caught" up I can begin my weekly postings! I'm still new at this and not too great at it, yet! The title of this post is in honor of Kayden's favorite movie the Lion King. :]

This past week was a crazy one. I felt like Kayden grew out of all of her shoes and clothes over night! I went to put an outfit on her and it looked like I it was 4 sizes too small. I went into the closet and pulled out a 2T outfit. I figured we were going to be hanging out around the house so it didn't matter if it was a tad too big. Shockingly enough, IT FIT!! She's growing so fast we just can't believe it. Not only is she growing out of her outfits but even her shoes. She usually LOVES walking around in shoes. She will bring you shoes and want you to put them just to walk around the house. The other day I put her tennis shoes on and as soon as I put them on her she fell to the ground and started fussin'. It didn't hit me until she would try and walk and start grabbing her toes..HELLO MOMMY wake up..they don't fit! These tennis shoes were only 1 month old! I couldn't believe she grew out of them so fast.

Two weeks ago Kayden was sick with the Croup. Wow, was it a scary thing for a parent to see their baby go through. She was almost hospitalized because her airways were so swollen but thank the Lord we were able to treat her at home. She was put on steroids for the swelling and we bought a humidifier for her room. She hadn't slept in 6 days and neither had Eric and I. Just as we thought she was on the path to a full recovery, we had a relapse! We took her to see her doctor to find out that her Croup had turned into Bronchitis and she was now at risk for a Pnemonia! We just couldn't catch a break. After 3 days of antibiotics, she was finally sleeping. Throughout the 10 days of on and off sleeping Eric and I let Kayden lay in bed with us which we have never allowed before. We just felt so sorry for our baby and we were so tired that it was just the easiest fix. Well, we have paid the price for that easy fix this entire week! Kayden has gotten so used to mommy or daddy coming and recusing her and letting her sleep in the big bed. After 4 days of just letting her "cry it out" she is finally sleeping through the night again. Whew, i'm sure we won't ever make that mistake again!

I love watching Kayden learn new things. Duh, what parent doesn't right? Well the other day we were stuck in the house with nothing to do. Daddy was at work and it was rainy, what a boring day! We were both getting stir crazy so I decided to paint Kayden's fingers and toe nails for the first time. She was so patient and still but she was very unsure about this new junk on her fingers and toes. It took about 2 minutes then she forgot all about it! Then I sung the Itsy Bitsy Spider and acted it out with my hands. She thought it was so funny! She caught on fast and next thing I know she was doing the motions with her hands while swaying side to side babbling! So stinkin' cute! The last thing I decided to try and teach her was how to answer the question, "How old are you?". It took her only 5 minutes to learn how to hold up a finger when I asked her how old she was. She is so quick to catch on, it amazes me! Here is a video that we made for my parents to show them how old their grandbaby was:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Let's Catch up!

This will most likely be one of my longer blogs. I'm going try and do an "overview" of the past year.

Ok, here goes nothin'. Kayden was born September 18, 2008 at 5:34pm. She weighed 8lbs. 5oz. and 20 3/4in. long! What a big girl! As soon as she was born Eric made sure he called and let everyone know our beautiful baby had arrived. He started out every conv
erstation with, "Kayden is finally here. Her and Jenna are doing fine. She was 8lbs. 5oz. and has 11 fingers and 11 toes." Not many took this seriously because Eric has always been known to stretch the truth from time to time BUT he was telling the truth! Kayden was born with an extra digit (that's what the doctors called it) on her left hand and one on her right foot. Thankfully there was no bone in them so all they had to do was tie them off and they would fall off with time. Sounds pretty crazy? Well, what's even crazier is Eric wanted to keep them. We have them in a baggie and it is titled, "Kaydens digits". I'm not sure exactly what Eric intends to do with these digits but he insisted that we keep them. :0

Every single person that gave us advice on parenting told us, "It will fly by and you will start asking where time went". Yea right, right? What a bunch of exaggerations, how could it possibly go by that fast. I am here to confess that, they WERE right! I feel like yesterday was the first day we were able to feed Kayden rice cereal then we got to move onto Stage 1 baby foods, and on to Stage 2. Next thing I know she's sitting at the table in a booster chair eating dinner with us! I was one of those moms that just couldn't wait for her little baby to start crawling. We worked on it everyday, I was just so anxious for her to get moving. Well that day finally came in July. Oh, it was so cute and first! I had NO idea what I was in for until she began to really get the hang of it. Next thing I know, she's got a mouth full of dog food, she pressed a button on the vcr that recorded over one of her daddys old videotapes (I still have yet to tell him :-x), and she discovered the toliet! It didn't take me very long to start wishing she would unlearn how to crawl! I'm kidding but at times I did wish she could forget just for a day! I learned my lesson and never pushed her to walk. She learned that ALL on her own time. She took her first steps at her 1st birthday party in September. It was bittersweet, my baby girl was growing up. Before we know it, she'll be off to pre-school, high school, then college! No no! I want her to stay my little baby forever!

The year 2008 was an amazing year for us! Eric and I got married, Kayden was born, we went to Vegas with Camille and Charlie, the Carthage Bulldogs won their first football State Championship in school history, we went to Destin, Florida with Eric's side of the family, we drove 14 hours to West Virginia for Spring Break to visit my parents, and we got a new car (Nissan Armada). Wow! What a year, huh? We are extremely blessed and way undeserving of it all!! Just as we thought it couldn't get ANY better in any aspect of our lives, it did! The bulldogs won their 2nd consecutive State Championship! ONE State ring was unheard of and now we have TWO!? To make it even better the bulldogs went undefeated and are on a 29 game winning streak. If that's not hard work, I'm not sure what is!?

I currently teach a boot camp for the women in Carthage. One of my friends gave me the idea one day when I was complaining about being bored. I was really unsure of how it would go or if I would even enjoy it. It started off slowly in August and there were many times that I told Eric I couldn't do it anymore! Eric is so patient and I am NOT at all! As the months went by the more clients I got, some that liked it and some that didn't! As much as I wanted to give up, I am so thankful for Eric pushing me to keep going with it. It has become something that I absoloutely LOVE, not because of the money but from the results. It is amazing how just working out can change a persons whole entire attitude. They are so dedicated and thankful. The results are so rewarding!

Well, that wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be. Like I said before, i'm not much of a writer. I know I left out a lot of things but my mind gets all boggled when I put it on the spot! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Step 1, Day 1.

Well, i've finally got around to taking the first step in the blogging process. Now the question is, will I be able to keep up with it? I really hope so! Before I continue, let me appologize for any spelling or gramatical errors that I will make in this and every other post from here on out. I've never been a good writer but I'll do my best! I really want to do this for Kayden. As a parent we have so much going on at once that we can't even remember what we ate for lunch let alone the cute stories about your child. I mean I have a baby book but those are generic and set up for stuff like, "first word", "first step", etc. What about all the other crazy things that will happen? A BLOG! :) I'm hoping to keep up with this at least once a week. I think it would be really neat for Kayden to read when she is older. I'm not sure how well i'm going to be with this thing but we shall see! :)